Type 15 Safety Razor (Raw Brass)

Type 15 Safety Razor (Raw Brass)


The Hone Type 15 safety razor keeps distractions to a minimum, focusing on the classic safety razor qualities of simplicity and balance to create an approachable and uncomplicated product that lets you focus on task in hand. CNC machined from solid brass ready to last decades.

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The practice of shaving is a moment of reflection in an otherwise hectic life. A good shave prepares your face for the important day ahead and gives quiet confidence. Like any job worth doing well, choosing the right tool is important.


Unique Geometry.

The Type 15 geometry was created from scratch. Focused on achieving a great shave quality and feel whilst producing a modern and clean interpretation of a double edge safety razor.  We wanted the parts to feel like they belonged together and were carved from a single piece. For our first razor we wanted to make sure it was an approachable and mild razor that you aren't afraid to use before something important or simply everyday.

Designed to age with you.

Type 15 is made from solid Brass which offers great thermal conductivity, substantial weight and a unique changing finish.  The surface on your new razor will mellow and take on a unique patina for every owner based on their habits. It will deepen with age but areas with heavy contact will burnish and shine.